The software landscape is changing in fundamental ways:
PL research can provide answers to some of the essential questions:
A kick-off symposium to celebrate the launch of the new Purdue Center for Programming Principles and Software Systems (PurPL) will be held jointly with the annual Midwest PL Summit, which returns to Purdue in 2019 for its 5th edition (Sep 23-24).
Read MoreHer project "Robustness of Inductive Reasoning Engines." is integrates concepts from formal methods, logic relational reasoning, and computational learning theory to develop new foundations, and tools for robust inductive reasoning engines.
Read MoreHis research on generative programing has seen numerous applications in architecture, databases, machine learning, and security.
Read MoreThe project, named High Assurance Compositional Cryptography: Languages and Environments (HACCLE), will take the task of developing secure multiparty applications out of the realm of experts and make it accessible to ordinary programmers.
Read MoreThe new research center aims to connect fundamental research in Programming Languages (PL) and Software Engineering with domains such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity.
Read MoreLanguage design, compiler implementation, static and dynamic analysis, type systems, formal verification, program repair, program synthesis, domain-specific languages, generative programming, ...
Data management, programmable dataplanes, query compilation, incremental computation, graph analytics, distributed consensus, irregular parallelism, heterogeneous architectures, ...
Systems security, differential privacy, smart contracts, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, hyperledger, secure multi-party computation, homomorphic encryption, communication privacy, side channels, ...
Deep learning, natural language processing, graph neural networks, relational learning, generative models, differentiable and probabilistic programming, ...
The Purdue CS and ECE departments are always looking to hire excellent faculty, especially in PurPL-relevant areas.
There are multiple post-doc and engineer positions available various ongoing projects. Please see here for an overview of current openings.
PurPL faculty are always looking for new talented PhD students. Please apply through the regular channels in the Purdue CS and ECE departments.
PurPL hosts short and long-term visiting researchers as well as visiting or exchange students, arranged either individually or through programs such as GoBoilers.